MiniSkinny Run: One Loop = 1/2 a mile / Two Loops = 1 mile

MiniSkinny Bike Course: Two Loop = 1 mile / Four Loops = 2 miles
What is the Transition Area and What Happens There?
In the sports of triathlon (swim, bike, run), duathlon (run, bike, run) and aquathon (swim, run), the Transition Area is like the hub in the center of a wheel with the end of each event returning to the transition area like spokes on a wheel. The athlete passes through the Transition Area as he/she prepares to move to the next portion of the event.
The idea behind this event is to help young aspiring athletes learn the concept of multi-sport and the need for a smooth transition, so they will be better prepared, as this is a key part of competition in each of the above named sports. This exposure will prove to be invaluable as they age and continue to compete in multi-sport events.
Every athlete has a spot in the Transition Area (by age-group) where his/her equipment is stationed. Athletes will locate their belongings within the transition area. Towels, shirts, shoes, fluids and other such items may be laid out in an orderly fashion to help the athlete move smoothly to the next event.
The events for kids aged 8-14 begin at the pool. Following the swim the athlete moves to the Swim entrance of the Transition Area, which will be directly outside the doors of the Skaneateles Community Center. The athlete will find his/her spot, and he/she will remove any swim equipment such as goggles and cap, and quickly put on what is needed for the run. Bathing suit removal is not permitted.
Athletes may put shorts and a shirt on over their bathing suit with their race number pinned onto the shirt in advance. Another option is to have the race number on a race belt, which can be clasped around the waist of the athlete after the swim. A third option is for athletes to wear their race number during the swim and run with bathing suits instead of taking the extra time to put on dry shorts and shirt over their suits. Socks, running shoes, sunglasses and a hat are other options that many competitors may choose to have in their transition area; however, none of these are necessary…except the shoes!!! Athletes MUST have their race number on their bodies before they are permitted to leave the transition area. Any athlete leaving without their number will be directed back to get it.
Once the athlete has made the change from swim to run, he/she will exit the Transition Area following the sign that says Run Out.
A few notes on the Transition Area:
- Get to the race early so that you can set up your young athlete’s Transition Area location. Look for signs designating the age-group of your athlete. Locations are not reserved but there will be enough for all athletes. The race starts with the youngest and progresses to the oldest so there will only be racers of like age in the transition area during the race; however, during the set up time, young and older athletes will be in the Transition Area at the same time. Please be courteous and give each other ample room to establish a station. A 2x2 or 2x3 foot location is more than ample for competitor’s belongings. Please do not occupy a vast location or volunteers will ask that you/your athlete condense their belongings into a smaller location so all athletes have room to establish a station.
- Bring one-two towels, one of which should be old. Put the old towel on the ground and place the remainder of your child’s race belongings on this ‘old’ towel. The other towel is for drying after the swim (optional). It is recommended that you have a full water bottle so your athlete can grab a quick drink before exiting the Transition Area.
- The time spent in the Transition Area counts on the overall time so it should be as fast as is reasonable but not so fast that your athlete forgets to tie his/her shoes. We will have volunteers in the Transition Area to assist athletes so we ask that parents stay out for the safety of the participants.
- Transition areas are commonly a location of congestion. Athletes must respect the presence of other athletes in the transition area. Please communicate with other athletes allowing them to know that an advancing athlete is trying to proceed. Athletes will NOT be permitted to shove other athletes to advance their position.