4-Mile Road Race — USAT & USATF sanctioned course
Date: Sunday, September 5th, 2010
Starting Time: 4:00pm
Location: Fireman's Field Days, Allyn Arena, Jordan Road, Skaneateles NY
Bird before March 31
April 1 – May 31
June 1 – July 31
Aug 1 – Race Day
(All proceeds to support community programs.)
Online Registration Closing Date: TBD
Downloadable Acrobat pdf
Course Maps: Download
Course Map (PDF)
(Due to conditions of the race course, no strollers are allowed.)
Race Description: Runners follow the parade route through the Village of Skaneateles in front of thousands of spectators and then onto the remainder of the running course that includes the Vargason Nature Trail. Runners then will finish back at the Fireman's Field Days in plenty of time to catch the end of the parade with the family. Stick around for the awards ceremony and then enjoy the family-oriented festivities. Just after dark you will enjoy a fantastic fireworks display.
Race Packet Pick-up: 3 – 7pm on Friday, September
3rd, 2010 at the
Skaneateles Community Center or 2:30pm on Race Day
at Firemen's Field Days. Registrations will also be accepted during these times.
Awards: Awards will be given out to the top
three male and female finishers.
You must be present to receive your awards.
Awards cannot be sent
to you – sorry.
Goodie Bags will be given to all participants including T-shirt and
other items from our sponsors.
Please note: Tshirt is not guaranteed for day of race registrations.
Parking: At the large field behind Firemen's Field Days.

A USAT & USATF Sanctioned Event.
Register Now | Download Printable Registration Form (PDF)
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